After finding out his mother left his brother Troy home alone now Tyrell is furious. Not knowing how to control anger is one of Tyrells biggest problems. He has no one to turn to for guidance or help with problems, his closest friends don't seem to understand, and his girlfriends advice helps to keep him on track but she is a girl and doesn't fully understand things from Tyrells point of view.
Not having a father plays a big part in Tyrells anger because now he has to step up to the plate and provide for his family and not being able to be a regular kid. He hasn't been to school in two moths because he has been trying to make money for his family so that they can live a some what normal life, and if he goes back to school he will be failing all of his classes and won't be able to catch up on his studies. He use to look up to his dad, the man he looked for advice, but now he is lacking experience and is trying the role of a Father by guiding his little brother Troy.
What I feel the overall problem is Tyrell is basically giving up his life to support his ungrateful mother and his brother who he loves and is trying to protect. But at the expense of the teenage years of his life, years he will never get back, and it all goes back to the mistake of his father getting locked up and leaving his family abandoned.
Tyrell is searching. He seems confused, he needs guidance, he needs a male figure in his life, one that is a good role model. His father has been in and out of jail so even though he does look up to his father, his father isn't a credible role model.