Friday, November 18, 2011

Social Awarnes

Poverty and drugs are a problem that many people face in their everyday lives... In my book Tyrell the main character Tyrell faces many family issues, drugs and poverty play a big part in the problems/issues. So I wrote a poem to magnify my feelings on drugs and poverty

Hugs not drugs crack is wack meth causes death coke makes you choke and it isn't dope... I don't need weed and heroin makes your body unappealing.

lost and found

Tyrell is lost, he needs to make cash quick. His solution was to through a party... after asking his friend Cal to barrow about two hundred dollars as some money to start off so he can buy drinks and snacks.

Once Tyrell woke up at Noviha's house him and Novisha desided to maker her mother breakfast, but before they could do that Tyrell got a call from Jasmine talking about how his mother left Tyrells little brother home by himself ... now the question is where is Tyrells mother????