Sunday, April 15, 2012

break hw #3 article

In the article "What Really Happened to the Titanic?" by Jennifer Marino seem to show the more scientific side of the tragic tale of the titanic that wrecked on April 14th 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Over the years many have said that the cause of the cruse ship the R.M.S Titanic to sink on April 14th 1912 (one hundred years ago from yesterday )was due to a crash in with an iceberg. but Matlin read weathers records and testimony from survivors plus facts from the ships log research supports his theory that the titanic sailed into a freezing Labrador Current and the air columns cooled causing layers of cold air to pile up below layers of hot air which is also known as thermal inversion. This caused light to bend and the horizon appeared to be where is wasn't (a false horizon). causing the iceberg to be hidden so those aboard the ship didn't see the ice berg until it was directly in front of the ship and the two were about to collide.

This theory doesn't disregard the fact that the iceberg was there but it just gives more explanation as to why the incident occurred.  The scientific explanation explains why and how the R.M.S Titanic sun st 2:20 am on April 14th 1912.

The article by Jennifer Marino clarifies and explains why the tragic death of thousands of people occurred on that day and why the captain, crew members and guest on the crews ship didn't see the ice burg causing many deaths.

break hw plagiarise

What the student did wrong was the student copied his/her source word for word. The "student" also didn't cite the sources properly, there was no author and or book cited.

"This sky keeps the viewer's eyes moving about the painting..." lines 3-4
(Cited Sources)
(Article) "A Brief Understanding of the starry night paintings"
Author: N/A

Three ways to avoid plagiarizing... put the text into your own words, use more than one reference, and give the author credit for his/  her work.

break hw blogs that I liked

One blog that I very much enjoyed was Sofia's blog from class 807. Sofia's blog post on Picasso because it was structured in a way that wasn't confusing and made it easy to understand her work. She organized the paragraphs in a way that they focused on one topic and it covered all the grounds/ basics of Picasso. There was also a sense of effort in Sofia's work she didn't just do the bare minimum she really tried and it showed in her blog post, she even added a photos of Picasso's work.

Another post that I enjoyed and thought was a good example on how I should write my blog post was Diana's blog post on Much Ado About Nothing.  She split the post into three paragraphs the first paragraph talked about the cast members as a whole and what she thought they did well. The second Paragraph talked about the individual cast members and what was done well by them. And finally the last paragraph talked about the bad and how she felt about the plot and the ending, which is something I need to incorporate into my writing structure.

What I need to incorporate into my writing is structure. I also need to put more effort and time into my blog post. and lastly I need to make my post longer and incorporate more detail into my blog post.